Break the Silence.
Stop Sexual Violence.

Law Enforcement Programs


PREA-State Law


  • Law enforcement agencies are constantly looking for concise, authoritative sources of information and best practices on handling sexual assault cases.
  • MSCASA partners with the Mississippi Law Enforcement agencies, military, and any first responder to provide training to expand or enhance their knowledge, skills and abilities on a broad variety of law enforcement practices and procedures used in addressing sexual assault cases.
  • An important law enforcement resource developed is the Mississippi Sexual Assault Response Pocket Guide. The Pocket Guide is a small, laminated handbook for use by first responders that outlines victims’ rights, and has sections for law enforcement, advocacy, medical, prosecutors, and colleges. The other sections list statewide resource providers, and copies of the new sexual assault documentation forms. This handy guide will be used in law enforcement trainings and outreach education.

To inquire about trainings or more information contact Shalotta Sharp, Special Projects Coordinator