Break the Silence.
Stop Sexual Violence.

Event: Evaluating Culturally Relevant Sexual Violence Prevention Initiatives

Evaluating Culturally-Relevant Sexual Violence Prevention Initiatives: Lessons learned with the Visioning B.E.A.R. Circle Intertribal Coalition Inc. Violence Prevention Curriculum

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

11am Pacific Time / 2pm Eastern Time

This web conference will explore evaluating culturally-relevant prevention efforts by presenting work conducted jointly by the authors of an indigenous violence prevention curriculum and evaluators who provided services on behalf of the NSVRC (National Sexual Violence Resource Center). We will discuss the curriculum, which was authored by members of the Visioning B E.A.R (Balance, Equality, and Respect) Circle Intertribal Coalition Inc., and relies upon native methods, wisdom, and teachings to reduce gender-based violence. Exploratory efforts to pilot and to test the curriculum will be discussed, including methods utilized, pitfalls experienced, and lessons learned. The challenges inherent in cross-cultural and culturally-relevant violence prevention and curriculum evaluation will be addressed.
Learning Objectives:

By the end of this web conference, participants will be able to:

State two challenges involved in conducting culturally-relevant evaluation of prevention materials.
Explain how time factors must be accommodated when working cross-culturally.
Provide two ways in which traditional methods of evaluation research may require adaptation when working cross-culturally.
Host: David Lee, PreventConnect and CALCASA